The Marketing Mistake Everyone Knows and Still Does

The Marketing Mistake Everyone Knows and Still Does
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    Today we have to address the marketing mistake elephant in the room. Are you ready? It’s not revolutionary – in fact, once we mention it once, you’ll know exactly the one I’m talking about. But here’s the bad news… even though we all know about this marketing faux pas, you’re doing it anyway.

    The marketing mistake: it’s all about ME

    Your business isn’t about you. Well, not to your customers, at least. So when we write an email about how “I did this today… and you can get these particulars from my business… and these are the amazing services you can count on from me.”

    Guess what? It’s boring.

    People, when they open your emails or check your website, are in it for themselves. They want to know how your products and services help them.

    Shift your speech from “me, me, me” to them

    So how we fix the “me, me, me” issue is by addressing how we speak. First off, fix that “About Us” page on your website. Nobody really wants to know what year your business incorporated.

    They want to know how your business is there to help them – and that you’re dedicated to them.

    Once you’ve fixed that page, go back through any landing pages, social media profiles, and anything else you’ve got. Then, de-me it. Doing so will make your profiles, landing pages, and whatever else infinitely more enjoyable to read. It’ll be downright exciting!

    Here’s how to take the “ME” out of things

    So now that you’re ready to take the “me!!” out of things, here’s how we do it. Go back and look at the things you’ve written. Take all of the “I”’s out of it. Because if there’s more than one I, it’s all about you.

    Next, answer the question of: “What’s in it for them?” Because that’s the question that your readers are subconsciously asking. Why not answer it for them directly? I promise you – they’ll see you as an awesome mind reader for it!

    Then, focus on the transformation you’re able to provide to people. In other words, what happens when someone comes and experiences your services or products? What do they look like on the other side? Focus on that.

    Another trick is this: work with somebody else. Get a friend to come read through your copy. They’ll bring a new, objective eye and be able to point out, “hey, you missed 45 I’s.” Then, get someone else to go through it again.

    Then, you’ll be focusing on your clients – on their needs, their questions, and the transformation that they’re excited to make.

    As you focus on “what’s in it for them?”, create a marketing library. Keep all of your answers in one place to make future marketing a client-based breeze.

    Want more great tips, tricks, and marketing amazingness? Be sure to follow along here at And if you need specifics for your marketing needs, let’s chat.

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