Why Your Marketing Objectives Keep Failing – And How to Fix it

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    Most marketing objectives and campaigns are a lot like trains… I mean, when they’re going well, they chug along and really get the work done! On the other hand, have you ever seen a train derailment? You know how it’s both impossible to look away and impossible to watch. You’re just stuck in limbo, holding your breath, and waiting for the inevitable to play out.

    Well, it’s time to show you the one guaranteed way to make sure that your marketing project fails… and then show you how to make sure that project never derails again.

    Avoid the train wreck: quit asking colleagues for their opinions on your marketing objectives or material

    I’m going to have to get painfully direct here for a moment…

    Here’s the real talk about opinions and marketing and marketing objectives… it’s that your opinion doesn’t matter. What matters is what the target audience thinks of this.

    So quit asking your colleagues for their approval on your marketing project. Why? Because answers like, “Oh, well I don’t like how you used blue there. Use red instead!” could actually derail your whole campaign.


    Well, are you trying to get your coworkers to buy from you? Probably not. So it doesn’t matter what they think (about this, anyway!).

    Instead, use these proven methods to get results and increase conversions

    Thankfully, marketing is both a science and an art. And when we use the science to properly augment the art, that’s where the magic of crazy ROI happens. So let’s tap into the science. Let’s (gasp!) actually test our marketing projects so that we can make them more effective.

    Remember how that coworker wanted you to use red instead of blue? Well, don’t just print off 50,000 flyers and pass them out. Instead, print off a few hundred of each color and take them to your target audience. See which one best piques their interest. Then you can test another aspect of your marketing.

    Because that’s the proven method here: testing! If you build a marketing project or campaign, test it! Then make it better and test it again.

    Once you’ve truly incorporated testing into your marketing strategy, then there’s just one more thing you need to truly rock this whole marketing game.

    Then use this to guarantee your marketing objectives and campaigns stay on course…

    Here’s the #1 thing you need to remember for your marketing objectives and campaign: keep your target market in mind. Then, and only then, can you truly tap into the psychology and science of marketing. Then your marketing objectives are always in the forefront of your mind – and your product is always in the forefront of your audience’s mind.

    Then your projects will stay on course, you’ll be able to see potential issues before they become major problems, and you won’t have to worry about major derailments ever again.

    Are you ready to get back to the basics and get the ROI and results you’ve been looking for? Then it’s time to ask yourself: “Does this accomplish our business objectives? Does this speak to our target market?”

    If you’re ready for that… or ready to talk more about marketing objectives, getting projects done, and having a profitable marketing campaign with a ROI that’ll make your colleagues jealous? Then let’s chat.

    If you’d rather watch this than read it… Just click here.

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