How to Avoid Marketing Schizophrenia with Consistency

Avoid Marketing Schizophrenia with Consistency
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    Which would you rather your business marketing be like: Target (with its amazing consistency) or KMart?

    Well, if you’re still in business, you probably answered Target, right?

    There’s a consistent trend among businesses to try to please every audience ever defined. Unfortunately, this only makes your business look, well, like it’s suffering from some sort of marketing schizophrenia. And maybe that’s a bit harsh, but now that I’ve got your attention, let’s talk about how to avoid confusing your audience – and start increasing sales with consistency.

    Consistency builds Trust

    You want your audience to trust you. That’s a given. You want them to know exactly what they can expect from you. In other words, you need to have a singular, consistent, and clear message.

    Let’s revisit my Target and KMart example really quick.

    Think about a Target ad. Any Target ad, really. You can recognize their ads dang near instantaneously! They use the same colors, messaging, and images. And because of that consistency (and their stellar customer service), they’re renowned for their reliability as a company.

    On the other hand, do you remember what KMart’s message was right before it died that long, slow, tortured death? They tried everything and were all over the place. And then, they were nowhere. Cue the sad violin music…

    Be consistent across all channels

    In order to build that Target-like level of consistency, you need to review what your business looks like online.

    Google your business. Check out every social media platform you’re on. Evaluate your website and anywhere else you may be showing up. Do you look like a consistent team player?

    Are you using all the same head shots? Is your logo updated and everywhere? Or do you have sixteen versions of your logo and headshot – one for each platform? Hint: don’t do that.

    So whether you or your VA does it, make sure everything is consistent and clear. Then, ask a friend to check you out online. Get their feedback.

    Marketing consistency PRO tip…

    Then, once you’ve made sure that you’re consistent and reliable across every inch of your online footprint, do this one thing.

    Make a marketing library of all of your materials, logo, headshots, colors, fonts, images, and whatever else you use. That way, when you’re ready to start up some new campaign, you’ve got a folio ready with all of the information you need to jump right on in.

    Building trust is a huge aspect to your company’s consistency and success. Make sure you’re sending the message that you’re reliable and trustworthy by being consistent 100% of the time.

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