3 Quick Steps to Boost your online presence for business

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    Let me tell you a little story about a website I recently came across…

    Picture this: neon flashing pop up screens and banners on a white background. Another banner flies in from the right side – and yet another from the left. Yup. I found a leftover (or forgotten) website that screams to be updated from the marketing age of dial-up.

    Why do I tell you about that website? Well, think about the reaction you had to just the mental image of that website. Now, I want you to know that there’s 3 hangups that your customers could be seeing that could be giving them that same gut reaction. Ready? Let’s go over those 3 quick steps you can take to boost your online presence for business – and prevent your customers from looking at your website with some 90’s related pity.

    Boost your online presence for business by updating your website

    First off, take a look at your website. Take a real look at it. Specifically, look at your footer. You see, most footers will sport a copyright disclaimer of some sort. Mine’s pretty simple: “Copyright 2017 | FieryFX | TekGrl, LLC.”

    Now, let’s go back to your website. What year does your copyright or footer have in it? If it doesn’t say 2017, then it’s time to update your website. And I don’t just mean the footer – I mean the whole shebang. It is, after all, an asset you should be investing in!

    Once your website (or at the very minimum, that footer!) is updated, let’s go on to our 2nd quick step to updating that online presence for business of yours.

    Increase your online relevance with updated social media profiles

    Now it’s time to take a peek at all of those social media profiles you set up for your business. Hopefully, you’ve had time (or a Virtual Assistant) posting regular updates. If so, ask that VA to go ahead and take some screenshots of the profiles so you can see your business’s online look as it progresses. My recommendation is having your VA do this quarterly, in fact. That way, you’re making sure that your brand stays consistent, updated, and all sorts of awesome.

    See your business through your audience’s eyes and adjust accordingly

    The third and final quick step to making sure your online presence for business gets and stays in the forefront of your audience’s mind is to use Google.

    Open up an incognito tab (a supercool Google feature that lets you look something up while making sure that Google doesn’t know who you are) and Google your business name.

    What comes up? I’d sure hope that your business is one of the first page (or first!) results listed when you’re searching for it.

    Why are we Googling your business? Well, this way, we can make sure that people who are actively looking for your website find it – and that it looks good in the process. The Google search will also show you your “Page Titles” and “Meta Descriptions”.

    Sure, those are “just SEO” related things… SEO related things that people (potential and actual clients) can see in a Google Search! So doing a Google Search will help you double check to make sure that those SEO tools work, that they help your online presence for business look good, and that they make sense to your audience.

    How often should we be doing these 3 simple website audits to check an online presence for business? I like to do them regularly – I recommend once a quarter.

    Why check these 3 quick aspects of your online presence for business once a quarter? Easy. That way you can make sure that everything fits in line with your overall business and marketing plan. You can also make sure (or have your VA make sure) that everything in place has a compelling reason for being there – and that it will help drive leads through your sales funnel towards becoming paying clients who absolutely rave about your business.

    Want more specifics on making your online presence for business better? Let’s convert those potential clients into actual clients already! Let’s chat some more.

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