3 Marketing and Business Metrics Your Business Needs This Month

3 Monthly Marketing Metrics
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    Have you ever wondered if your marketing was effective? Of course you have! Most business owners stress out about wanting to learn how to use Google Analytics, various business metrics, KPIs (key performance indicators), or other critical data points to measure their marketing ROI. And knowing all of that stuff, while great, is putting the cart before the horse.

    Instead, let’s start with the 3 things in particular that you need to know when it comes to your business metrics and marketing.

    And here’s the best part: knowing these 3 key business metrics will help you across any and all channels in the business marketing world! Take that, Google Analytics!

    Business metrics to know #1: audience

    Audience is important, folks. So let’s start by asking ourselves some critical questions about our audiences.

    • Who’s seeing your stuff?
    • Are the right people seeing your stuff?
    • Has anyone seen your stuff?

    You’re also going to evaluate your audience based on where they’re at:

    • On a website, audience means users.
    • On social media, audience is defined by your “reach” – post reach, audience reach, and ad reach (if you’re advertising).
    • On email marketing, audience is dependent on email opens.

    Knowing the answers to these questions, you’ll easily be able to tell if the right people are seeing your stuff – and how to make adjustments so that even more of the right people see your stuff.

    Monthly marketing metric #2: conversions

    If you haven’t already, make sure you define what your conversions are. Here are the most common examples of conversions:

    • Opt-in to an email list
    • Watching a training video
    • Clicking through to a particular web or landing page
    • Making a purchase
    • Liking your page or leaving a comment

    Each channel can have its own defined conversion. In fact, each sales page can have its own different definition for a conversion! It’s perfectly fine – and in fact, it’s what I recommend. Because once you know what the conversion is, you can measure it. And you can measure it for each channel, page, social media platform, or whatever else. That way, you can make sure you’re getting the best ROI possible.

    Marketing metric #3: origination

    Now that we know our audience is watching our stuff – and that they’re converting like we want them to, let’s see how we can get more people to follow suit.

    Now, if you’re 100% reliant on email marketing, you already know where your audience is originating – they’re coming from your email list!

    But when it comes to your website, social media, or affiliate campaigns, it’s important to be able to track where your audience is coming from. That way, you can allocate your resources in the most efficient manner possible.

    After all, who wants to spend time promoting a Facebook page if your business metrics show that all of your audience comes via Twitter?

    Knowing these 3 key marketing and business metrics: audience, conversion, and audience origination, is vital to a successful marketing base. Because once the base is in place, you’re well on your way to making sure you’re getting a good ROI on the marketing strategies and campaigns you’ve got running – no matter when and where they are!

    Are you ready to make sure that your marketing efforts and investments are paying off? Then get the tips and advice you need.

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